Buying or Selling Property

Buying or selling a home?

Whether you're buying or selling your home, we'll help you turn on/off service or establish an account in your name. 

See below for important requirements for your property.

Wastewater customers involved in buying or selling a property must complete this process. Your system will not be shut off, but we need to ensure the account is updated correctly. All final bills will be estimated based on usage received from your Water Provider.

miniature red house with keys

Buying a Home

If you are buying a new home in Aquarion’s service territory, please have the closing attorney (or realtor in New Hampshire and Massachusetts) contact us at 1-800-732-9678 before the closing to setup your account.

Security Deposit Requirements (Water Accounts)

New, multi-family residential owners in Connecticut must provide a security deposit of $300. This deposit will appear on your first water bill. If the average bill is higher than $300, the landlord may receive a request for an additional deposit.

Multi-family residential properties include, but are not limited to:

  • Assisted living facilities
  • Dormitories
  • Group homes
  • Apartment complexes
  • High-rise apartments
  • Condominiums

Wastewater Customers: If you are a soon-to-be Aquarion customer, accounts must be in your name.

happy couple with house keys

house sold sign

Selling a Home

Water and Wastewater Customers: If you are selling your home in Aquarion’s service territory, the closing attorney (or realtor in New Hampshire and Massachusetts) will contact Aquarion Water Company before the closing to close your account with us.

Wastewater Customers: if you are selling your home, please ensure the new owner's name is accurate.

For Attorneys/Realtors
  • Please complete and submit the Real Estate Closing Form.
  • To assist you with compliance with the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Closing Disclosure, please complete and submit the form at least 10 days prior to the closing date. We cannot guarantee the final bill at closing if the form is submitted late.
  • Aquarion will not provide balance information unless a completed request for closing form is received.
Submit Real Estate Closing Form

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